Tuesday 10 December 2013

Why Do We attend Cooperative Meeting, And What is it?

  Meeting is an occasion when people come together intentionally
or not intentionally. You can also define MEETING as a situation
when a group of people who have a common interest meet together.
How Many Types Of Meetings Do You Know?
6.1.1a  There are three types of General meeting for co-operative movement. And they are as follows:
1.      Ordinary General meeting. This one is regarded as the ordinary or the normal general meeting all co-operators are mandated to attend. And this type of meeting takes place once in every three month.
2.      Special General Meeting. In this kind of meeting only those members who can be reached or those that can make themselves available are expected to attend. Because the issues that will be discussed are always important matters which might not be kept for everyone to be convened before addressing it. Because the meeting is urgent, it might be held out of the normal place of meeting.
3.      Annual General Meeting. This kind of meeting is the GIDIGBA (ultimate) MEETING HELD OR ORGANISED BY THE Co-operative Societies/Unions. It is held only once in a year. It is in this meeting, that elections are normally done. Some people call this meeting (AGM).

6.1.1b.   What are some purposes for attending meeting?
i.                    To discover and examine a problem and to solving it:-
Co-operative societies meet in order to discover some of common problems that might be affecting them as individuals and as a co-operative. In order to examine it critically so as to know what solution(s) to be applied.

ii.                  To offer information:-
The meeting is a good avenue for exploration and providing help to the members of the co-operative society. And also to inform members of the latest information.
iii.                To Build eagerness and inspiration:-
Meetings conducted by co-operative societies is to build enthusiasm among members. Meeting also inspires members to do everything possible to make sure the society succeed.
iv.                 To Entertain Members And Other Quest:-
It is when co-operators meet together that they can have the opportunity to enjoy together. The various enjoyments we can derive in the meeting as an active co-operator with the group range from food, drinks and in the area of thrilling with jokes and laughter.
It is in this kind of meeting that co-operative can congregate themselves to attend to quest of all category who pays a visit to the Co-operative Societies.

6.1.1c. The President shall preside at all General and Committee Meeting of the Society and shall have powers to convene meeting. On the other hand, the Secretary/Manager, including the Committee are under obligation to summon and attend General Meetings and Committee Meetings, as the need arise. Mostly when there is an important message to pass to the members.

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