Tuesday 10 December 2013



4.1f.     Any business that is formed by more than one person is expected to be controlled, democratically. And in the case of co-operative society, democratically control is used because when an election is to be conducted, it is “one man, one vote” except in the case of the president who shall have a casting vote in addition to his ordinary vote.

The one man, one man vote principle conjectured by the co-operative movement, is strictly adhered to as the position and financial capability of the member does not affect this aspect of the law (Democratic Means, Equal Right). This means that, whether the member is a Chief, Reverend, Oba or pastor. Every member only has the right to vote once. And the habit of trying to vote for someone who is not present must never be allowed. This is called, voting by proxy. By this one man, one vote policy, it means majority carries the vote. Therefore what ever is decided by this means is binding on all members where a quorum is formed to reach such decision(s).

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